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Monday, June 15, 2009

Kobe Bryant Game 5 Presser - 2009 NBA Finals - Lakers vs Magic

Kanye West Steps Behind The Camera For New Drake Video

Toronto MC Drake continues to keep his buzz going as he was recently in Brooklyn filming the video for his hit single, “Best I Ever Had.”
An inside source confirmed with that Drizzy’s self-described biggest musical influence, Kanye West, is directing the clip. And the all-star cast doesn’t end there. Among cameos from mentor Lil Wayne, Common, Fabolous, Trey Songz and his Young Money crew mates, the video may also have an appearance from Jay-Z. Apparently Hov -who as previously reported, has already recorded material with the aspiring rapper - was on set during the shoot.The video will have a Degrassi theme according to the inside source. Drake starred on the popular N series before pursuing his career in music. A rough draft for the video is expected to be finished in two weeks.

50 Cent - Vitamin Water Commercial - Welcome Dwight Howard [Video]

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eminem Speaks on MTV Bruno Incident and Clears Up Rumors About Hotel Robbery

Three days ago at the MTV Movie Awards, Sacha Baron Cohen caused a firestorm as "Bruno" when he landed ass first on Eminem. Many speculated for the days whether the stunt was staged or real, with everyone speaking except the man himself. Breaking his silence, Em spoke to RR about the entire "ordeal".

RR: Can you clear up the Bruno stunt at the MTV Awards? Was it staged or planned?
Eminem: Sacha called me when we were in Europe and he had an idea to do something outrageous at the Movie Awards. I'm a big fan of his work so I agreed to get involved with the gag.

If it wasn't planned the way you agreed to, do you hold MTV or Sacha responsible and will you take any kind of action?
I'm thrilled that we pulled this off better than we rehearsed it. It had so many people going "nuts" so to speak. Everyone was blowing me up about it.

After you left the ceremony, where did you go?
After the ceremony I went back to my hotel and laughed uncontrollably for about 3 hours. Especially after I saw it on air.

There is a rumor that you hotel room was robbed and theives got 60K and your laptop while you were at ceremony. Is that true and if so what would someone find on your computer?
The only thing was that I lost a Nike watch that we were looking for. The rest it is made-up like half the other stuff out there.

How do you think the show with Jay went and how did it feel performing "Renegade" again?
I love performing with Jay. Its the third time we've done the song together live and its always fun. It was an honor to share the stage with him again and to work with his band.

Fabolous Premieres "Throw It In The Bag" On BET's 106 & Park